CFW AP MLHP Exam Syllabus 2022: Candidates who are preparing for CFW AP MLHP Exam 2022 can find the Detailed wise Syllabus for this Government Exam 2022 in PDF format from this article. We also include the Detailed Examination Pattern of 2022. Hence, aspirants across India who hope to prepare for CFW AP MLHP Exam 2022 can find the CFW AP MLHP Sarkari Exam Syllabus 2022 PDF Syllabus in this article.
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The CFW AP (Commissioner of Health & Family Welfare Andhra Pradesh) conducts the MLHP (Mid-Level Health Provider) Exam for the recruitment of candidates for the position of Mid-Level Health Providers. Here is some information on the syllabus, pattern, section-wise marks, books to be prepared, and FAQs for the CFW AP MLHP Exam.
CFW AP MLHP Exam Syllabus 2022
The CFW AP MLHP Exam syllabus is as follows:
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Child Health Nursing
- Community Health Nursing
- Environmental Hygiene
- First Aid
- Medical-Surgical Nursing
- Mental Health
- Midwifery and Gynecological Nursing
- Nursing Fundamentals
- Nutrition
- Personal Hygiene
- Psychiatric Nursing
- Sociology
CFW AP MLHP Exam Pattern 2022
The CFW AP MLHP Exam is conducted in two stages: Written Exam and Interview.
Written Exam:
- Total marks: 150 marks
- Total questions: 150 questions
- Time duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes
- Negative marking: 1/4 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer
- Total marks: 15 marks
CFW AP MLHP Exam Section Wise Marks
Written Exam:
- Anatomy and Physiology: 10 marks
- Child Health Nursing: 10 marks
- Community Health Nursing: 10 marks
- Environmental Hygiene: 10 marks
- First Aid: 10 marks
- Medical-Surgical Nursing: 10 marks
- Mental Health: 10 marks
- Midwifery and Gynecological Nursing: 10 marks
- Nursing Fundamentals: 10 marks
- Nutrition: 10 marks
- Personal Hygiene: 10 marks
- Psychiatric Nursing: 10 marks
- Sociology: 10 marks
CFW AP MLHP Exam Books To Be Prepared
- Anatomy and Physiology: Ross and Wilson’s Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness.
- Child Health Nursing: Hockenberry and Wilson’s Wong’s Nursing Care of Infants and Children.
- Community Health Nursing: Park and Park’s Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine, K. Park.
- Environmental Hygiene: Objective Environmental Science by Shankar.
- First Aid: Principles of First Aid and Emergency Care by American Red Cross.
- Medical-Surgical Nursing: Brunner and Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing.
- Mental Health: Essentials of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing by Mary Townsend.
- Midwifery and Gynecological Nursing: Williams Obstetrics by F. Gary Cunningham.
- Nursing Fundamentals: Fundamentals of Nursing by Patricia A. Potter.
- Nutrition: Understanding Nutrition by Eleanor Whitney.
- Personal Hygiene: Park’s Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine.
- Psychiatric Nursing: Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing by Elizabeth M. Varcarolis.
- Sociology: Sociology by John J. Macionis.
CFW AP MLHP Exam Syllabus and Exam Pattern FAQs
Q. What is the age limit for the CFW AP MLHP Exam?
A. The minimum age limit is 18 years and the maximum age limit is 34 years for the general category candidates.
Q. What is the application fee for the CFW AP MLHP Exam?
A. The application fee is Rs. 300/- for the general category candidates and Rs. 150/- for SC/ST candidates.
Q. What is the selection process for the CFW AP MLHP Exam?
A. The selection process includes a Written Exam and an Interview.
Q. Is there any negative marking in the CFW AP MLHP Exam?
A. Yes, there is a negative marking of 1/4 marks for each wrong answer in the Written Exam.