Future Generali Accident Suraksha Plan 2024, Benefits, Features, Buy & Renew Details, Reviews

Future Generali Accident Suraksha Plan 2024: Are concerns about your family’s safety in case of an accident keeping you up at night? Worry no more, as Future Generali presents an all-encompassing accident insurance plan designed to safeguard you and your loved ones. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the details of the Future Generali Accident Suraksha Plan 2024, shedding light on its advantages for you and your family. From outlining the plan’s perks to delineating the range of covered accidents, we’ll leave no stone unturned. Moreover, we’ll furnish you with insights on how to enroll in the plan and equip you with essential information to streamline the process.

The Future Generali Individual Accident Plan, aptly named ‘Accident Suraksha’, functions as a family-floater individual accident plan. It extends coverage not only to you but also to your family members, offering financial support in the event of any unfortunate accidents. With the prevalence of accidents on the rise and the escalating costs of medical treatments, tending to accidental injuries has become increasingly expensive. In light of this, Future Generali has introduced this appealing health insurance plan that encompasses disability and accidental death coverage. The best part? You needn’t undergo medical examinations to avail the benefits of this plan.

Future Generali Accident Suraksha Plan 2024

Are you feeling worried about what might happen in the future? Are you scared about the possibility of a big healthcare problem that could affect your life? You’re not the only one who feels this way. In this blog post, we’re going to talk about something called the Future Generali Accident Suraksha Plan 2024. We’ll explain what it means for you and your family. We’ll look at the main things about this plan, talk about how it could affect you and your loved ones, and give you some tips on how to get ready for a possible healthcare problem. So whether you’re thinking a lot about healthcare in the future or just want to be ready for anything, this blog post is for you.

Accidents can happen to anyone, anywhere. They come unexpectedly and can have a lasting impact on our lives. It’s hard to put a price on the value of human life and the pain we go through, but to help people who get hurt or their families after a sad accident, there’s something called “Mishap Suraksha” insurance. None of us know what will happen tomorrow, and the best way to deal with challenges in the future is by protecting yourself and your family now. If you get the Future Generali Mishap Suraksha Insurance, it can help lessen the seriousness of unexpected accidents and keep you financially stable even during tough times. 

Future Generali Accident Suraksha Plan 2024 Details

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Highlights of the Future Generali Accident Suraksha Plan 2024

Are you searching for a way to keep you and your family safe if something unexpected happens? Future Generali has introduced the new Future Generali Accident Suraksha Plan. This plan provides all-around protection for people who experience a big accident.

The plan covers medical costs, helps replace lost income, and gives compensation for income loss. It also covers damage to belongings, personal injuries, and even death. Whether you’re a business owner or a family member affected by a major accident, this plan is a valuable tool that can assist you in getting back on track.

Benefits of Future Generali Accident Suraksha Plan

This insurance plan is for accidents that can happen to one person, and it comes with two types of coverage: Essential and Extra. You can also get this plan for your family, which includes you, your spouse, and your kids who rely on you.

The Essential coverage takes care of things like if there’s an accident that causes death, permanent disability, or partial disability, and it even covers temporary total disability. These events need to be caused by an accident.

The Extra coverage helps with bringing the person’s body back home if something happens far away, and it also covers the costs of a funeral. These benefits are already part of the plan.

But you can also choose more protection by paying more. Some of the extra things you can get include money for your child’s education, help for your family if you’re gone, coverage for hospital visits or medical bills, and money if you’re in the hospital. There are also options like credit protection, adjustments if your situation changes, and money for transportation for your family.

You can keep renewing this plan for your whole life. The kind of work you do decides how much risk you’re considered to have. People like doctors, lawyers, teachers, and office workers are in Class I. People in construction, engineering, and physical work are in Class II. And jobs that are more dangerous, like mining or being a jockey, are in Class III.

If you have kids, they can be covered from when they’re 5 years old to when they’re 25 years old.

Working of the Future Generali Accident Suraksha Plan 2024

Are you searching for an insurance plan that can cover both your personal needs and your business requirements? Well, you’ve found it with the Generali Accident Suraksha Plan! This plan offers a variety of benefits suitable for everyone, whether you’re a business owner or just starting out. We’ll go over some important features of the plan and explain how they can help you. We’ll also guide you on how to begin and choose the right policy for your situation. So, if you need an insurance plan that safeguards your business and your family, the Generali Accident Suraksha Plan is the one to consider!

The coverage amount you’ll receive depends on factors like your risk level, income, and the coverage you choose. This amount is determined based on your monthly income. The available coverage factors under the plan are listed below:

Coverage option Class I Class II Risk Class III
Accidental Death 144 120 96
Permanent Total Disablement 72 60 48
Permanent Partial Disablement 36 36 24
Temporary Total Disablement 24 to a maximum of Rs.10 lakhs 24 to a maximum of Rs.5 lakhs NA

Advantages Of Future Generali Accident Suraksha Plan 2024

Here’s how the coverage works for different situations:

  • For non-working spouses, the coverage is half of the main coverage amount, up to Rs.10 lakhs, with a temporary total disability coverage of Rs.1 lakh.
  • For dependent children, the coverage is 25% of the main coverage amount, up to Rs.5 lakhs, without temporary total disability coverage.
  • For individuals over 70 years old, the coverage varies based on age and continuous policy renewal:
    • Ages 71-75 years: Half of the above factors, up to Rs.25 lakhs.
    • Ages 76-80 years: 25% of the above factors, up to Rs.10 lakhs.
    • Ages 80 years or more: Up to Rs.5 lakhs.
  • For individuals not employed aged 71-80 years, the maximum coverage is Rs.5 lakhs, and Rs.2.5 lakhs for higher ages.
  • The premium is calculated based on the chosen coverage options and the total coverage amount.
  • Compensation is paid based on the injury’s severity and the chosen coverage. These are the key features of the Future Generali Accident Suraksha Plan.

Compensation Benefit

The payment you receive after an accident depends on how bad the injury is and the coverage amount you chose in your policy. It could go to you or someone you choose. The table below shows the benefits you’d get, based on the injury, as a percentage of your coverage amount:

Nature of injury/loss Compensation payable (as a % of Sum Assured)
Accidental Death 100%
Permanent Total Disablement 100%
Permanent loss of sight of both eyes 100%
Loss of sight of one eye and loss of one limb 100%
Loss of both limbs 100%
Loss of one hand and one foot 100%
Permanent Partial Disablement
Arm at shoulder joint 75%
Arm above elbow joint 70%
Hand at the wrist 50%
Arm beneath elbow joint 60%
Loss of thumb 25%
Loss of index finger 10%
Loss of any other finger 5%
Loss of leg above mid-thigh 75%
Loss of leg up to mid-thigh 60%
Loss of leg up to beneath the knee 50%
Loss of leg up to mid-calf 45%
A foot at the ankle 40%
A large toe 5%
Any other toe 2%
Permanent loss of sight in one eye 50%
Hearing in one ear 25%
Hearing in both ears 75%
Sense of smell 10%
Sense of taste 5%
Shortening of legs by a minimum of 5% 7%
Temporary Total Disablement 1% per week for a maximum of 100 weeks.

Eligibility Criteria of Future Generali Accident Suraksha Plan 2024

Want to Get the Good Stuff from the Generali Accident Suraksha Plan? You might be curious about who can actually get these benefits. This blog will talk about who can join and enjoy the plan. Plus, we’ll help you figure out if you fit the requirements. We’ll also tell you all the cool things you can get from being in the plan and how to use them well. So, if you want to stay safe from accidents or get some awesome perks, keep reading.

Minimum Maximum
Entry age (Last Birthday) of the insured 5 years 70 years
Entry age (Last Birthday) of the proposer 18 years 70 years
Plan tenure 12 months or 1 years
Premium payable Depends on the Sum Assured and coverage option selected.
Premium payment mode Annually

Additional Benefits of Future Generali Accident Suraksha Plan 2024

  • Getting Discounts on Premiums: If your whole family is covered, you can pay less for the insurance, like 10% less. Time to Think: When you get the insurance, you have 15 days to think about it. If you change your mind during this time and don’t want the insurance anymore, you can cancel it.
  • They will give back your money after taking out some fees. Canceling the Plan: If you or the insurance company decide to end the insurance, you need to give a 15-day notice. If you cancel, you might get some of your money back. How much depends on how long you had the insurance. The table below shows how much you might get back. The rest of the money is given back to you.
Period of risk the policy covered Premium refunded
Up to 1 month 20% of the annual premium
Up to 3 months 40% of the annual premium
Up to 6 months 75% of the annual premium
Up to 9 months 90% of the annual premium

Premium Rate 2024

Cover Option Category
Normal Heavy Very Heavy
Accidental Death 0.40 0.60 0.90
Permanent Total Disablement 0.1 0.20 0.35
Permanent Partial Disablement 0.25 0.45 0.75
Temporary Total Disablement 0.5 0.75 NA
Child Education Support 0.5 0.8 1.25
Life Support Benefit 0.1 0.2 0.35
Accidental Hospitalization 1.5 2 3
Accidental Medical Expenses 20% loading on premium of primary covers loading on premium of primary covers 20% 20% loading on premium of primary covers
Hospital Cash Allowance Rs.300   300 Rs.300
Loan protector 2 2.8 4.25
Adaptation Allowance 0.7 0.75 0.8
Family Transportation Allowance 00.3 0.3 0.3

Exclusions in Future Generali Accident Suraksha Plan 2024

Using drugs or alcohol in a dangerous way, doing risky sports or activities, doing something against the law, being in a war or big fight, things that happen after an accident, problems related to pregnancy, actions for the military, treatments to get better from sickness, flying in airplanes, being near harmful radiation, certain types of diseases, and hurting yourself on purpose are not covered. If you already had a disability before getting the insurance, that won’t be covered either.