Happy Valentines Day Wishes 2024 , Messages and Quotes to share with your partner, family and loved ones

Happy Valentines Day Wishes 2024: Happy Valentine’s Day 2024 is here, marking the joyful end to Valentine’s Week. Love’s winged creatures say that nothing in the world can keep them from their love. This day is also called Valentine’s Day. It starts quickly, and everyone celebrates it with happiness. Valentine’s Day is a very romantic time to express our love and care for our partner. People in different places have their own unique ways to celebrate this day. The universal symbol of this day is a loving heart.


Happy Valentines Day 2024

Valentine’s Day is a special time when love and romance take center stage. It’s a widely celebrated occasion, especially among couples who want to celebrate their unique bond. But before Valentine’s Day, there’s a whole week of love known as Valentine’s Day Week or Love Week. This special week begins on February 7th and ends on February 14th. February is called the month of love because it’s the time when we focus on caring for, showing affection to, and being romantic with our loved ones.

During this week, people make plans to make their partners or special people feel happy. Valentine’s Day Week brings feelings of admiration, inspiration, and happiness to people all over the world. One important thing people think about during this time is what special wishes or quotes to share with their loved ones.

Now, let’s talk about the specific days in Valentine’s Day Week. It starts with Rose Day, followed by Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Promise Day, Hug Day, Kiss Day, and, finally, Valentine’s Day itself on February 14th. Each day has its own significance and ways to celebrate love.

List of Valentines Day Week 2024

Symbol Day Date
Rose Day Monday 7 February 2024
Propose Day Tuesday 8 February 2024
Chocolate Day Wednesday 9 February 2024
Teddy Day Thursday 10 February 2024
Promise Day Friday 11 February 2024
Hug Day Saturday 12 February 2024
Kiss Day Sunday 13 February 2024

Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love, and it happens on February 14th every year. But before that special day, there’s a whole week of love starting from February 7th. Let’s go through each day of this lovely week:

  1. Rose Day (February 7th): People give roses to express their feelings.
  2. Propose Day (February 8th): This is a day to tell someone you love them and want to be with them.
  3. Chocolate Day (February 9th): It’s all about sharing sweet chocolates with your special someone.
  4. Teddy Day (February 10th): On this day, cute teddy bears are given as gifts.
  5. Promise Day (February 11th): It’s a day to make meaningful promises to your loved one.
  6. Hug Day (February 12th): Give warm hugs to show your affection.
  7. Kiss Day (February 13th): A day to share sweet kisses with your beloved.
  8. Valentine’s Day (February 14th): The big day for expressing your love in special ways.

You can also use this chance to send a heartfelt message to your loved ones, like saying “I love you.” Your message will be delivered on Valentine’s Day to make it even more special.

1. Rose Day – 7th February

We start the Valentine’s Day week by celebrating Rose Day. Roses are the perfect way to express the feelings and emotions in our hearts. Sometimes, words aren’t enough to convey our deepest feelings to our loved ones. Simply giving roses on Rose Day is a beautiful way to share our heartfelt and passionate love.

Wishes, Image & Best Quotes for Happy Rose Day 2024

हमारा प्यार गुलाब की तरह है।
यह हमेशा के लिए खिलेगा और खिलेगा।
हैप्पी रोज डे!!!

इस दुनिया में दो चीजें नहीं मापी जा सकतीं
तुम्हारे लिए मेरा प्यार और लाल गुलाब की सुंदरता।

जिस तरह से आप मेरे साथ कोमलता से पेश आते हैं,
वह मुझे एक फूल के लिए एक सुंदर कुएं की तरह महसूस कराता है।
मैं आपके प्यार और छाया में बढ़ता रहूंगा।
हैप्पी रोज़ डे 2024!!!

तुमने मेरे जीवन को प्रेम की सुगंध से भर दिया।
इसे इतना सुंदर बनाने के लिए धन्यवाद।
ब्यूटीफुल रोज डे पर मेरे गुलाब के लिए एक गुलाब।
हैप्पी रोज डे, प्रिय!

इस रोज डे पर, मैं भगवान से
आपके पथ को सुंदर लाल गुलाबों से भरने और
आपके जीवन से सभी कांटों को दूर करने के लिए कहता हूं।
हैप्पी रोज डे!

2. Propose Day – 8th February

Following Rose Day, Propose Day is celebrated globally. On this day, lovers have the chance to express their love to their valentines. But before proposing, make a heartfelt promise of commitment. This way, your partner can be confident that they’ll spend their life with someone loyal and devoted.

Wishes for Happy Propose Day 2024

तुम वह नहीं हो जिसके साथ मैं रहना चाहता हूं, तु
म वह हो जिसके साथ मैं नहीं रह सकता।
मेरे जीवन में हमेशा के लिए रहो ….हैप्पी प्रपोजल डे !!!

प्यार जुनून है प्यार अंधा होता है
इससे बेहतर कोई सुझाव नहीं है
मैं आपको बता सकता हूं कि
मैं सबसे अच्छा हूं
जो आप कभी भी पाएंगे।

मैं आपसे जीवन भर वादा करता हूं
कि आप जीवन भर अपना हाथ कभी नहीं छोड़ेंगे।
हैप्पी प्रपोज डे, प्रिय!

आप अद्वितीय हैं, आपको प्यार किया जाता है
और आप सबसे अच्छे हैं।
और मैं तुम्हें अपने जीवन में पाकर सबसे खुश हूं!
हैप्पी प्रपोज डे, प्रिय!

“जिस क्षण मैंने अपनी पहली प्रेम कहानी सुनी,
मैंने तुम्हें ढूंढना शुरू कर दिया,
यह महसूस नहीं किया कि मैं कितना अंधा था।
प्रेमी अंत में कहीं नहीं मिलते हैं।
वे हमेशा एक-दूसरे में होते हैं।”

3. Happy Chocolate Day – 9th February

After you’ve proposed to your crush, it’s time to enjoy some chocolates together. Chocolate Day is when loved ones exchange chocolates as a symbol of their affection. It’s a lovely way to express feelings of love and coziness, just like the sweetness of chocolate itself. Chocolate Day creates a delightful atmosphere for couples. Nothing quite compares to the love and delight that chocolate brings.

Wishes for Happy Chocolate Day 2024

मैंने तुम्हें तब से प्यार किया है
जब से मैंने तुम्हें देखा है और
वेलेंटाइन डे का यह सप्ताह मुझे याद दिलाता है
कि मैं कितना खुशकिस्मत हूं
कि तुम मेरी तरफ से हो।
हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे माय डियर।

मैं सिर्फ इतना कहना चाहता था
कि आप मुझे दूसरे स्तर पर खुश करते हैं।
मेरे जीवन को पूर्ण बनाने के लिए धन्यवाद!
हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे।

शब्द कभी व्यक्त नहीं कर सकते कि
मैं तुमसे कितना प्यार करता हूँ।
मैं प्रार्थना करता हूं कि
आप हमेशा खुश और स्वस्थ रहें।
आपका जीवन चॉकलेट की तरह मीठा हो।

मुझे परियों की कहानियों में विश्वास दिलाने के लिए धन्यवाद।
मैं कल्पना नहीं कर सकता कि
आपके समर्थन और उपस्थिति के बिना
मेरा जीवन कैसा होता।
हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे।

4. Happy Teddy Day – 10th February

Lovers celebrate Teddy Bear Day, which is the fourth day of Valentine’s Week. On this day, couples give each other soft stuffed animals as a special gift. They see these cuddly toys as a way to show their love and romantic feelings. For young ladies, receiving a sweet and gentle teddy bear is one of the best gifts. It’s a symbol of love from their partner, and they treasure it dearly.

Wishes for Happy Teddy Day 2024

“जब मैं आपकी बाहों में आता हूं,
तो मुझे वह प्यार मिल जाता है
जिसकी मुझे हमेशा से तलाश थी।
मैं आपके अच्छे दिन की कामना करता हूं
मेरे प्यारे टेडी।”

“दुनिया में आपकी बाहों से बेहतर कोई जगह नहीं है
क्योंकि यहीं मुझे टेडी बियर का प्यार और गर्मजोशी मिलती है।
हैप्पी टेडी बियर डे 2024।”

“जब मेरा टेडी बियर मुझे कसकर गले लगाता है
तो सारा तनाव और तनाव दूर हो जाता है।
मैं आपको टेडी बियर डे की शुभकामनाएं देता हूं।”

“मैं बस आपको गले लगाना चाहता हूं
और टेडी बियर की तरह आपके लिए ढेर सारी खुशियां लाना चाहता हूं।
मैं आपको टेडी के अच्छे दिन की शुभकामनाएं देता हूं।”

“टेडी डे पर, मैं चाहता हूं कि
आपके जीवन में हमेशा एक टेडी बियर हो
जो आपके लिए खुशियां और ढेर सारा प्यार लाए।
आपको टेडी डे की बहुत-बहुत शुभकामनाएं।

“इस तनावपूर्ण दुनिया में,
हमें केवल एक टेडी बियर चाहिए
जिसे हम गले लगा सकें और प्यार
और संरक्षित महसूस कर सकें।
हैप्पी टेडी डे 2024!!!

5. Promise Day – 11th February

In any relationship, trust is the foundation. Just one promise can create this strong base. It’s like saying that love is for today, and a promise is for tomorrow. This means a promise adds deep trust and lasting appreciation to the relationship, even until the very end. Don’t ever stop keeping the promise you made to your beloved partner. Trust them completely to share everything, whether it’s good times, challenges, or happiness.

Best Wishes for Happy Promise Day 2024

हर दिन आप वादा का एक नया व्रत करते हैं।
इस साल, आपके लिए मेरा वोट है, ”
आप हमेशा मेरी पहली प्राथमिकता रहेंगे,
चाहे कुछ भी हो।”
मैं आपको एक हैप्पी प्रॉमिस डे की कामना करता हूं!

यहाँ वादों का मेरा संस्करण है।
पूर्ण माना जाता है।
हैप्पी प्रॉमिस डे डियर!

वादे के इस दिन,
मैं वादा करता हूं कि जब भी आपको मेरी जरूरत होगी
आप मुझे अपने साथ पाएंगे।
हैप्पी प्रॉमिस डे टू यू डार्लिंग!

हैप्पी प्रॉमिस डे माय लव।
जैसा कि मैंने आपसे वादा किया था,
मैं अपना वादा कभी नहीं भूलूंगा कि
आप जीवन भर मेरी प्राथमिकता रहेंगे।

हैप्पी प्रॉमिस डे बेबी
मैं अपने सारे वादे निभाने का वादा करता / करती हूं।
मैं सुधार करने और चीजों को बेहतर बनाने का वादा करता / करती हूं।
मुझे तुमसे प्यार है!

मैं काम और जीवन को संतुलित करूंगा;
मैं वादा करता हूं कि
मैं आपको शिकायत करने के लिए एक पल भी नहीं दूंगा।
वचन दिवस की शुभकामनाएं!

6. Hug Day – 12th February

The sixth day of Valentine’s Week is known as Hug Day, celebrated by lovers around the world. On this day, couples draw closer by giving each other warm hugs. A caring touch and a loving hug from the most important person in your life have the power to chase away all worries from your mind.

Happy Hug Day 2024 Wishes:

  1. On this Promise Day, I pledge that you’ll always find me by your side whenever you need me. Happy Promise Day, my dear!
  2. Happy Promise Day, my love. Just as I promised, you will forever be my top priority.
  3. I promise to bring happiness into your life and to be with you forever, my beloved. Happy Promise Day!
  4. I may be a rule-breaker, but when it comes to promises, I’m steadfast, my darling. Happy Promise Day!
  5. Always remember, I’ll be there for you, no matter what. I promise. Happy Promise Day, my dear!
  6. Happy Promise Day, baby. I promise to keep all my commitments and strive to make things better. I love you!
  7. I pledge to balance work and life, ensuring you have no reason to complain. Happy Promise Day!
  8. I promised to come home early and share dinner together. Happy Promise Day!
  9. I promise to reserve the weekends for us to have a great time together. Happy Promise Day!

7. Kiss Day – 13th February 2024

Before Valentine’s Day, couples everywhere celebrate Kissing Day with lots of love. This day is special for all couples because kissing shows deep love and passion. That’s why they see it as a bright and meaningful day. Kissing is all about love and strong feelings. Just one kiss can say and express more than a thousand words can.

मेरे पास आपके लिए सरप्राइज से भरा एक बॉक्स है,
लेकिन जो आपको सबसे ज्यादा पसंद आएंगे
वो हैं आपके होंठ।
मैं आपको इसे देने के लिए इंतजार नहीं कर सकता।
चुंबन दिवस मुबारक हो।

कभी-कभी मुझे आपके लिए अपने प्यार का इजहार करने के लिए शब्द नहीं मिलते;
इसलिए मैं शब्दों के बजाय चुंबन को प्राथमिकता देता हूं।
उस दिन मुझे तुम्हारी बहुत याद आती है।

प्यार तब पूरा होता है जब दो प्यार भरे होंठ मिलते हैं।
तुम्हें चूमना मेरे लिए हमेशा एक सुकून देने वाला
और स्वर्गीय अहसास है!
हैप्पी किस डे।

किस करना हमें बार-बार प्यार में पड़ने
और एक-दूसरे के लिए परफेक्ट बनने की अनुमति देता है।
हर बार जब मैं तुम्हें चूमता हूं,
ऐसा लगता है कि मैं तुममें हूं
और मैं तुम्हारी आत्मा को मुझमें महसूस कर सकता हूं।
इस खास दिन पर, मैं अपनी अद्भुत प्रेमिका को
एक हजार चुंबन भेजता हूं।
जो कुछ मेरा भी है,
उसे भेजने के लिए मैं तुम्हारी प्रतीक्षा करूंगा।

8. Valentine Day – 14th February 2024

Valentine’s Day is the most special day for couples. It marks the beginning of Valentine’s Week, a time when couples express their love in wonderful ways. Wishes and quotes play a big role in conveying deep feelings. Don’t worry; our collection of Valentine’s Day wishes and quotes might surprise you. Just check out the post below and find your favorite.

Quotes for Valentine’s Day 2024:

  1. “I’d rather spend my life with you than face the world alone.” – Arwen in The Lord of the Rings
  2. “When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” – Harry in When Harry Met Sally
  3. “To me, you are perfect.” – Mark in Love Actually
  4. “I’m afraid I’ll leave this room, and for the rest of my life, I’ll never feel the way I feel when I’m with you.” — Baby in Dirty Dancing
  5. “I want you all, forever, you and me, every day.” — Noah in The Notebook
  6. “I’ve come here with no expectations, only to profess now that I am at liberty to do so, that my heart is, and always will be, yours.” — Edward in Sense and Sensibility
  7. “I am in love with you. I know that love is just a shout into the void and that oblivion is inevitable. And that we’re all doomed and that one day all of our labors will be returned to dust. And I know the sun will swallow the only Earth we will ever have. And I am in love with you.” — Gus in The Fault in Our Stars
  8. “I think I’d miss you even if we’d never met.” — Nick in The Wedding Date
  9. “You have bewitched me, body and soul. I love, I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.” — Mr. Darcy in Pride & Prejudice

Valentine’s Day Wishes for Your Loved One

  1. “Since the day we met, I knew I wanted to spend every Valentine’s Day with you. You’re my rock, and I can’t imagine life without you. Happy Valentine’s Day!”
  2. “Valentine’s Day is my favorite day because it gives me an excuse to shower you with love all day on February 14th. I love you!”
  3. “Happy Valentine’s Day! I wish you a wonderful day filled with love and happiness. You truly deserve it!”
  4. “I hope you don’t find this card too cheesy, but I couldn’t resist the chance to make you smile!”
  5. “I’ll always be here for you, no matter the weather. Happy Valentine’s Day to the love of my life!”
  6. “Your love is the best medicine for me, making me healthier and happier every day. Happy Valentine’s Day, my love.”
  7. “Happy Valentine’s Day to the most special person in my life. You are my love, my heart, and my joy.”
  8. “On this Valentine’s Day, I want to reaffirm my promise to love you always and be there for you. I’ll keep this promise for as long as I live. Have a fabulously beautiful Valentine’s Day.”
  9. “I want you to feel exceptionally loved today and that we continue celebrating Valentine’s Day together, always cherishing our love.”
  10. “Valentine’s Day is meant to be spent with those you love, so my wish for you is to come visit me!”
  11. “I can tell you anything. I can be myself, and you accept me as I am. That’s how I know you’re the one. Happy Valentine’s Day!”
  12. “Because of you, I laugh a little harder, cry a little less, and smile a lot more. Happy Valentine’s Day!”

As for the best gift for your husband, it really depends on his interests and preferences. Some thoughtful gift ideas could include:

  • A nice watch.
  • A new gadget or tech accessory.
  • Tickets to a show or a sports game.
  • Something handmade or personalized that shows your love and thoughtfulness.

How can I get my husband to surprise me on Valentine’s Day with a special day out?

Getting your husband to surprise you on Valentine’s Day can be enjoyable, and it might depend on his personality and preferences. Here are some tips to help:

  1. Plan together: Plan what you’d like to do on Valentine’s Day and involve your husband in the planning process. This way, he’ll feel included and may be more likely to surprise you.
  2. Be creative: Simple things can be special. Consider unique ideas like trying a new restaurant or having a picnic in the park. Unexpected experiences can make the day memorable.
  3. Show love daily: Express your love in small ways every day, like taking care of him or preparing a meal. When he feels loved and appreciated regularly, he might be inspired to make Valentine’s Day special for both of you.

What’s the best way to send a Valentine’s Day wish?

The best way to send a Valentine’s Day wish depends on your relationship with the person you’re sending it to. Some ideas include:

  1. Sending flowers or chocolates.
  2. Writing a heartfelt love letter.
  3. Making reservations at a romantic restaurant.
  4. Sending a thoughtful note or card.

The ideal message for Valentine’s Day varies based on your relationship and interests. Some messages could include:

  1. “I love you because you’re the most special person in my life.”
  2. “You make me feel complete, and I’m grateful for that.”
  3. “I love you because you’re always there for me.”

When writing a Valentine’s card for your girlfriend, tailor the message to her interests and personality. Here are some tips:

  1. Be heartfelt and personal: Express your feelings genuinely in your handwritten card to make her feel cherished.
  2. Include a meaningful photo: Adding a cute photo of both of you together shows thoughtfulness and love.
  3. Use creative language: Describe your love for her in an interesting and unique way.
  4. Send it in a timely manner: Make sure to send your card early so she can enjoy it on Valentine’s Day.